The accused was a slight, frightened man who had de量写调引依liberately b侵威望奏架师船roken the law. His trial was a Roman circus. The chief gladiators were two great legal g曲建还掌实社失身iants of the century. Like two bull elephants locked in mortal combat, they bellowed and roared imprecations and abuse. The spectators sat uneasily in the sweltering heat with murder in their hearts, bar来自ely able to restrain themselves. At stake was 360百科the freedom of every Am说磁映么子erican. O左式声ne of the most moving an毛水雨罪唱d meaningful play五织听严这什别s of our generation. "a tidal wave of a dr活扬交和研业述ama." -- "New York World-Telegram And Sun"