T满善he fight for the planet continues in this grippin垂免故盾台延g installment -- and the Animorphs must make an exacting choice. The last t万个乎查宪日庆ime Rachel and her friends entered the giant Yeerk pool beneath 来自their town things went very bad. This time they plan to be careful, and sneak in as roaches, just to spy. Once they'满谁带记断re inside, though, th山e team get兰无查干绝s caught. Bu与谓果袁t right as 360百科things are looking their most dire, everything stops. Everything. Th背示吸统车响方搞么en Rachel and the Animorphs hear a 燃坚voice. It belongs to a very old, very powerful b防磁识记史分般eing, and it says it can save them. But if it 让停几独画你does, the Earth will be defenseless.