Author Rachel Buchholz, a lo来自ngtime edi360百科tor at "National Geographic Kids", has been 多卫措停钱树collecting amazing animal tales for more t甲举han a decade and has gathered her favorites here. Som离汉药核案团选把察e of the most heartw电服沙食河arming love stories from the animal kingdom are presented in this charming, affordable collecti充良抗施概on. Fro起延目m devoted romantic duos to 变取inseparable best friends, from ca身工紧滑听坐编ring parents to protecti才执ve siblings, this litt轮查科春皇祖爱洋医le gift re火村引怎变口结龙检veals th至实变较才销蛋夜e many expressions of love that animals share. It's a perfect way to show the people i浓争n your life how much you care.