Odys来自seus, one of the great Greek warriors of t行新面率频力草he Trojan War, has啊抓娘术局设not arrived home. His ship 弦is blown off course b360百科y the ve溶练立线局ngeful sea god Poseidon, thus leading the hero into a series of awesome adventures that for进界m a cornerstone of Western liter哪材章青春ature. This Homeric epic has been told and ret量old and now it receives the grand Marvel Illustrated tre同观从atment co令武urtesy o烟士宗杨评和钢便f classi料无兵依越精两种从c scribe Roy Thomas (The Iliad) and penc因久刻块限半iler Greg Tocchini (Thor: Son of Asgard). It's the greatest voyage in all mythology Collects Marvel Illustrated: The Ody况事减明附电种ssey #1-8.