Across the windswe来自pt plains of Nevada, through sun-scorched days and starry nights360百科, they fought an al问将年继l-consuming attraction...Proud, willful, and beaut愿白他iful, Diana clashes head末案都乡单历完合势-on with Holt Mallory语防秋约当山, the man who runs her father's ranch. But his son arouses her pity, an货鸡责棉片费觉差d she opens her arms to the motherless child. Then a wild, white stallion ravages the ranch's brood mares. Diana joins the hunt for this mighty beast, and finds herself hunted -- by Holt whose 转晶粒powerful passion she kn随旧却ows she 钟必背评无cannot resist断构联夫语停若也木.