footage courtesy of Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting, The This Motion Picture was filmed in New York with the cooper黄扬呼阻ation of: Metrocolor [美国] prints Michael Sporn Animation 育Inc. animation/titles Museum of Modern Art, The This Motion Picture was filmed in New York with the cooperation of: New York Convention Center Development Corporation, The This Motion Pictur来自e was filmed in New York with the coope坚ration of: Panavision, 种国功药游斗Dallas 句并就电治苗诉久信[美国] panaflex camera and lenses by Police TV & Movie Unit, The This Motion Picture was filmed in New York with the coop密房止其据念eration of绿时日血: Trans World Airline轮s This Motion Picture was filmed in New York with the cooperation of: